Monday, March 22, 2010


I was at a campus worship service Wednesday night, with a group of people I enjoy being around and are thankful for, but what happened just got under my skin. One of the leaders of the group got up for the 'sermon' and talked about Jonah and Nineveh. He spoke about the Ninevites and their practices for which they recieved the condemnation of God. Amongst the offenses he told us of was the practice of sacrificing children into a fire to gain the favor of God. At this, the whole room gasped a little and many people looked absolutely revolted. Yet they have been invited numerous times to help with the pro-life movement and few of them have. How dare they feel horrified that in some ancient time people burned their children when they don't give a care to the fact that every day an approximate 4,000 children are murdered in the name of 'choice' and 'a woman's right'. Why do so many of God's people do nothing to please God? They read the bible but they never take a serious stand. These people have no right to be appalled.

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